Archives for the Month of February, 2011

Android emulator temp directories

If you are using the Android SDK on a shared computer, you might run into the awesome “NAND: could not create temp file for system NAND” error. This is because “/tmp/android” is hardcoded into the emulator as the directory to start temporary files during emulation, and somebody else has likely claimed it first. The easiest […]

Our friend Scope

Scope is one of those things that is absolutely essential to understand as a programmer. If you don’t understand how a language handles scope, you are doomed to continue making difficult-to-understand mistakes and poor code design. Scheme is a good platform for exploring how scope works for beginners, and the language features that it has […]

“usbscale”: read USB scales

I’ve just finished writing the big parts of usbscale, a command-line program written in C that reads and interprets data from USB scales. It was meant as a little hack for the scale, so currently it’s only set up to recognize the 10-lb scale (manufactured by Elane). It should be trivial to add […]

Chicken-NBT: A Minecraft NBT reader for Chicken Scheme

I didn’t see any Scheme code to read Minecraft NBT data files, so I made one. And in doing so, I see why there weren’t any NBT readers in Scheme. (Haskell programmers can use Adam Foltzer’s much cleaner Haskell version.) When I found out that there was a gzip egg called z3, I thought my […]

Blast from the past: The “cloud” five years ago

I was cleaning out some miscellaneous files from my computer today when I found a folder called “eyeos”. EyeOS. My friend and I thought we were uber-cool when we set up eyeOS on our shared hosting accounts and looking back, yeah, well, we were. EyeOS was an ambitious open-source project to give you a desktop […]