TL;DR: It’s easy to write an application launcher fit for your exact needs. You can take my hacky code on Github as a starting point. The application launcher (Alt+F2 or Meta+R) is the program I run the most on my desktop because it’s the entry point for most everything else I want to run. A […]
Archives for the ‘Linux’ Category
Should I use swap on Linux?
Monday, 21 February 2022
TL;DR: I turned off swap on my machine and it’s been fine. I haven’t been able to find clear guidance on whether I should use swap or not on my machine, and if so, how much to set. There are some arguments in favor of using swap that I’ve not been able to fully understand, […]
Customize Huion tablet buttons on Linux
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
The “Huion Kamvas Pro (2019)” comes with 16 physical buttons and two touch strips along the sides of the tablet. On Windows, you can configure the buttons to send custom keystrokes (e.g. toggling painting tools or changing brush size). However, the key mapping is mirrored from the left to the right side, so you can […]
The cheapest way to run Minecraft on AWS
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Summary: By taking advantage of AWS spot instances and only running when you need to, you can have a powerful Minecraft server for as little as a couple dollars per month. I’m happy to share a set of tools we’ve created to run a cheap, personal Minecraft server on AWS! It works like this: When […]
Fun networking stories: finding the “fast lane”
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
I went to a boarding school for part of high school. (It was actually a public boarding school—weird, huh?) We lived in an old college dorm that had four floors. I lived on the 4th floor and one particular friend lived on the 1st floor. Our Internet connection on the 4th floor (and actually most […]
Linux shortcut to connect to Bluetooth speakers
Thursday, 4 February 2016
We have a Bluetooth speaker in our office that we often use to play music through. My Linux machine, however, didn’t automatically connect to the Bluetooth speaker, and even after connecting it, I’d have to switch the output to be that speaker. I ended up creating a shortcut on my menu bar that would connect […]
Heroku changing up dyno pricing
Monday, 30 March 2015
Heroku is trialling new pricing levels for their dynos. Here’s the verbatim text they gave: Free – Experiment in your own dev or demo app with a web and a worker dyno for free. Sleeps after 1 hr of inactivity. Active up to 12 hours a day. No custom domains. 512 MB RAM. Hobby – […]
Fun networking stories: connecting three machines away via SSH
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
We had a hardware unit that was Ethernet enabled. To configure and manage it, the vendor provided us with a Windows program that, given the unit’s IP, could establish a TCP connection to the unit’s port 3300 and do all of its fancy management things. The only problem was, the hardware unit was a hundred […]
Workaround for HipChat on Linux: “can’t find build id”, “HashElfTextSection”
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
The new version of HipChat added support for video and screen-sharing. It also introduced the new requirement of OpenGL 2.0. On my computer, HipChat would crash on startup with repeated messages of [code] can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection [/code] I […]
tuntuntun – Combine Multiple Internet Connections Into One
Monday, 3 February 2014
GitHub repo: (proof of concept status) I was trying to play Minecraft by tethering over a Sprint data connection but was having awful random latency and dropped packets. The Sprint hotspot seems to only allow a limited number of connections to utilize the bandwidth at a time – a download in Chrome would sometimes […]