Archives for the Month of February, 2014

Good things happen when you subtract datetimes in MySQL

Of course, you know that “good things” and “MySQL” don’t go together. File this one under the category of “small ways in which MySQL is broken”. Let’s fire up MySQL 5.1.72-2-log or 5.5.34-log. [code]mysql> create temporary table blah -> (alpha datetime, beta datetime); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> describe blah; +——-+———-+——+—–+———+——-+ | […]

tuntuntun – Combine Multiple Internet Connections Into One

GitHub repo: (proof of concept status) I was trying to play Minecraft by tethering over a Sprint data connection but was having awful random latency and dropped packets. The Sprint hotspot seems to only allow a limited number of connections to utilize the bandwidth at a time – a download in Chrome would sometimes […]