Things Japanese people say about English
Friday, 31 January 2020
There’s a large and thriving community of English speakers learning Japanese, in which they swap tips and trivia amongst themselves as they seek to improve their Japanese skills.
The corollary is that there’s a large and thriving community of Japanese speakers swapping tips and trivia about English, and I’ve found a bunch on Twitter. So, what are they talking about?
There’s practical advice on what they teach you in school vs. the real world:
Even though Japanese has a ton of English loanwords, it’s still confusing going between the two languages:
There are a lot of tips on English idioms:
Some interesting neologisms:
(Note that “OK Boomer” was explained in a widely viewed Japanese TV show clip in December 2019.)
Of course, there’s also a lot of surprising things about American (or other Western) cultures.
Sending in a resume for a job application
Americans really like to return stuff, apparently:
There’s no guarantee that you won’t be misled a bit:
Seeing the reverse side of the language-learning experience has been fun and enlightening, but also a bit intimidating: there’s a huge corpus of idioms, slang, and other bits of language that native speakers know through osmosis. And as a language learner, you can’t get there by just reading language-advice tweets, no matter how helpful they are.
If you have any similar interesting things to share, please do! The comments below are open, and I’m also on Mastodon: and Twitter: @ericrjiang.
Disclaimer: I don’t really know these Twitter users on a personal level and displaying their tweets here doesn’t represent an endorsement.
Edit: Thanks to /u/thatfool who corrected the origin of anke-to.