Author Archive

Not all STEM fields are created equal

Alternate title: “Why do people forget about psychology when talking about STEM?” STEM majors! Everyone needs to be a STEM major! We have a huge shortage of STEM majors! Quick, get your sons and daughters (especially daughters) to major in a STEM field! STEM stands for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics” and we often use […]

[transl.] You went overseas—are you happy? (“???? ???”)

Found the below article through so-called “social media”. Don’t have any affiliation with the author nor the WeChat group, but thought it was worth being translated. Original post at: [n.b. photos from original post omitted] ?????????????????????????????? Everyone looking at the photos from students studying abroad keeps saying, “Wow, what a wonderful life. I’m jealous.” […]

Workaround for HipChat on Linux: “can’t find build id”, “HashElfTextSection”

The new version of HipChat added support for video and screen-sharing. It also introduced the new requirement of OpenGL 2.0. On my computer, HipChat would crash on startup with repeated messages of [code] can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection can’t find build id HashElfTextSection [/code] I […]

What concurrency in Node.js could have been

People wrote a lot of good comments on my last post about Node.js. (They also wrote some bad comments, but the worst have been modded out.) One of the key points I was trying to make was that the way concurrency is written in Node.js sucks, so it blew my mind that people kept referring […]

The emperor’s new clothes were built with Node.js

There are plenty of people lambasting Node.js (see the infamous “Node.js is cancer”) but proponents tend to misunderstand the message and come up with irrelevant counterpoints. It’s made worse because there are two very different classes of people that use Node.js. The first kind of people are those who need highly concurrent servers that can […]

OpenStreetMap provider CloudMade shuts its doors on small users

(Original email at bottom.) CloudMade, a company selling mapping services (many based on OpenStreetMap data) that competed head-to-head with Google, let its users know that as of May 1st, they’ll stop serving anyone who’s not on an enterprise plan. This is rather sad, because they were one of the main alternatives for custom OpenStreetMap tiles. […]

Good things happen when you subtract datetimes in MySQL

Of course, you know that “good things” and “MySQL” don’t go together. File this one under the category of “small ways in which MySQL is broken”. Let’s fire up MySQL 5.1.72-2-log or 5.5.34-log. [code]mysql> create temporary table blah -> (alpha datetime, beta datetime); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> describe blah; +——-+———-+——+—–+———+——-+ | […]

tuntuntun – Combine Multiple Internet Connections Into One

GitHub repo: (proof of concept status) I was trying to play Minecraft by tethering over a Sprint data connection but was having awful random latency and dropped packets. The Sprint hotspot seems to only allow a limited number of connections to utilize the bandwidth at a time – a download in Chrome would sometimes […]

Raise your hand and ask

College lecturers (and teachers in general, I suppose) assume they need to ask if the class has any questions. The benchmark is that if the class doesn’t have any questions, then they understood the material, and if there were questions, then the lecturer should slow down a bit and maybe review it in a bit […]

Considering a Computer Science major? Read this first

What school should I choose? Look for a school that’s either big, or has a strong focus on providing a good CS education. Big schools offer more choice, so that you can skip or maneuver around poor teachers or take classes that might not be available in smaller schools. Undergrad-focused schools may have better quality […]