We don’t remember your startup
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Yeah, your startup. You know, the one that had the nifty HTML5 responsive launch page? The one that promised big things and nifty features? The one where we typed in our email address so we could be notified when it launched? You spent the last five months working your butt off to productionize and bugfix your startup, and when the time came, you crafted together a short but sweet email asking us to try out the beta.
Thing is, you forgot to remind us what your startup does. So I get this email from some website with a sufficiently hip name asking me to check them out right this instant. I don’t recall ever seeing them before, so it must be spam, and the few seconds I have before my train arrives, I trash it and move on to the next piece of mail.
After working on your startup for the last year and spending every waking moment thinking and talking about it, it’s easy to assume people know about what you’re doing.
But for the rest of us, it wouldn’t be too much work to include your one-line pitch, would it?