Batch organize photos by date
Sunday, 9 June 2013
I wanted to get a pile of jpegs organized by the year, and then the day. For example, IMG00001.JPG would go in 2013/06-04 based on its EXIF creation date. The handy exiftool can do this, via its own virtual “Directory” tag. The “Directory” tag is not an actual EXIF tag, but exiftool will move the photo if you write to it.
Here’s two snippets, one to copy photos to a new directory based on the date (-o dummy/
forces a copy):
exiftool -o dummy/ -d %Y/%m-%d "-directory<datetimeoriginal" /path/to/unorganized/photos/*.JPG
And one to move photos to a new directory based on the date:
exiftool -d %Y/%m-%d "-directory<datetimeoriginal" /path/to/unorganized/photos/*.JPG
This will automatically create directories called $PWD/year/day