Archives for the ‘Programming’ Category

Writing reusable JavaScript

One of the biggest hurdles in going from JavaScript as a trivial gimmick for making divs change color to a powerful language for building real applications is its single-namespace weakness. It’s easy to accidentally cause variable names to collide when you start combining scripts, and there’s no native library or module system to alleviate this. […]

The empty list in BiwaScheme

I’ve been looking around for Scheme interpreters written in JavaScript for a while now. The original idea was to make some kind of interactive online teaching tool, like an interactive version of The Little Schemer. Googling for “javascript scheme” turns up a few implementations:

HTML templating in Scheme?

Templating is one of those must-haves for building websites; separating content from presentation is sliced bread compared to cavalierly interleave logic and HTML into one file. In Scheme, I think that quasiquotation could be used in wonderful ways to create templates; namely, every template can be a function that simply takes parameters and directly uses […]

Petite Chez Scheme for Ubuntu

An Ubuntu package of Petite Chez Scheme seems to be a common request among students, given the popularity of Ubuntu among the techno-capable.  Currently, only RPM packages are provided on the Chez Scheme site, and the traditional recommendation was to use alien to convert the RPM into a .deb. There’s no reason to have everybody […]

Reading a USB scale

Update: I now have an improved C version of this program: usbscale. I got suckered into one of those hard-to-cancel trials. The upside is that they give you a $10 USB 5 lb. scale to use with their software. The downside is that they want you to only use it with their software, and […]

Google Summer of Code 2009: WordPress proposal

Objective: Create a single-file PHP installer for WordPress that will automate the downloading, unpacking, and setup of a WordPress blog. Reason: As of right now, setting up a WordPress blog involves a lot of fiddling with files. The user must download the archive, unzip it on their computer, open a ftp connection to their server, […]

Constructor Chaining in Java

When you have a class that extends another class in Java, initializing that child class will first call the parent’s initializer, and then the child’s. So if you have: public class Base { public Base() { System.out.print(“Base “); } } public class Derived extends Base { public Derived() { System.out.print(“Derived”); } } The code Derived […]